PAYME Terms Of Use

Please take the time and read, building strong relationships is important to us!

  1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The MoneyGram money transfer service (“Service”) is provided by MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (“we” or “us”) through a network of agents, authorized delegates, or other permitted entities(“Agents”). These Terms and Conditions, along with the Documentation (as defined in Section 1.3 below) used in connection with the Service to which these Terms and Conditions may be included or attached, constitute the entire agreement (“Agreement”) between us with you, the individual sender of the Service (“you” or “Sender”). 1.2 This Agreement and the Service allow you to send a money transfer (a “Transfer”) to the person named on the form (the “Recipient “) and allows them (i) to collect in cash at a MoneyGram location (our “cash to cash” service); or (ii) to receive into their bank account or other type of physical or virtual account, for example a mobile wallet account (our “cash to account” service). These terms and conditions apply to both services, except where we say they apply to only one of them. 1.3 You must sign any other documentation related to the Transfer, including all forms, receipts, or acknowledgments (collectively, the “Documentation”) in order to use the Service. 1.4 By using, or attempting to use, the Service in any capacity, you are acknowledging that you (i) accept the terms of this Agreement and (ii) have read the Documentation relating to the Transfer and that the information as described on the Documentation is accurate. 1.5 For cash to cash Transfers, you can either send money within the same country or to a different “receive country”. The Recipient can only collect the money in the receive country stated in the form. Once the Agent has processed this form and been given your money, the Recipient can collect the money at any MoneyGram location in the receive country within minutes (during opening hours) in cash, in the currency stated in the form unless condition 2.2 below applies. We will not contact the Recipient when the money is ready to collect, so this is something you will need to do. 1.6 We do not offer the Service in all countries. You can call us, visit our website or ask an Agent to find out the availability of our Service, and addresses and opening times of locations offering the Service.
  2. CHARGES AND CURRENCY EXCHANGE 2.1 You must pay us the fee stated in the form. We will not charge you any other fee for the Transfer. You can only send money in a certain currency or currencies. The Agent will tell you whether a payout currency is available in the receive country and (if different to the currency in which you pay us) what exchange rate will apply. Your chosen currency, the agreed exchange rate and the converted amount will be stated in the form. 2.2 For cash to cash Transfers to certain countries: (i) if the Transfer amount is stated in U.S. Dollars, and the Recipient’s Agent does not pay out in that currency, they will convert the money into the local currency using either their or MoneyGram’s standard exchange rate; (ii) if the money (whatever foreign currency it is sent in) is not collected within 45 days, the Recipient’s Agent may recalculate the converted amount at the time of collection, using their or MoneyGram’s standard exchange rate.
  3. RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFERS 3.1 There are limits on the amount you are able to send. The Agent will, as necessary, tell you what they are. We may refuse to send the money or allow it to be collected if we reasonably believe that: (a) by doing so we might break any law, regulation, code or other duty that applies to us; (b) doing so may expose us to action from any government or regulator; or (c) it may be linked with fraudulent or illegal activity.
  4. CANCELLING AND REFUNDING A TRANSFER 4.1 You do not have a right to cancel the Transfer. We may nevertheless be able to cancel it before the Recipient collects or receives the money. If you wish to cancel the Transfer and request a refund of the Transfer amount, you can ask an Agent or write to us enclosing a copy of your completed form. We aim to process such requests promptly but in any case within 30 days.
  5. EXPIRED TRANSFERS 5.1 If you ask us to make a Transfer to be collected in cash and the Transfer amount has not been collected within 90 days, we will treat the Transfer as no longer capable of execution (an “Expired Transfer”). We will have no obligation, after that 90 day period, to execute an Expired Transfer. If an Expired Transfer occurs, you will be entitled to a refund of the amount of the Expired Transfer. If you become aware that a transferred amount has not been collected please contact us to ask for a refund.
  6. IDENTIFICATION AND PAY OUT FOR CASH TO CASH TRANSFERS 6.1 In order to collect the money and complete a Transfer, the following must be provided: (i) Identification; (ii) the recipient’s details from the form; (iii) the Sender’s name; and (iv)